Where is MH370? Australian scientist claims to have solved missing Malaysian plane mystery

This is not the first time that the theories blamed the pilot. There were claims that the pilot committed murder-suicide due to problems in his personal life.

USA, Trending, MH370 missing, MH370 missing in Indian Ocean, Australian scientist Vincent Lyme, Where is MH370, Flight MH370 Mystery Solved, MH370 Malaysian Aircraft Mystery, Australian scientist MH370 Missing Flight- True Scoop

Australian scientist Vincent Lyne has claimed on LinkedIn that he knows where is the missing MH370. He stated that he had found the perfect hiding place for the plane that went missing in 2014 with 227 passengers and 12 crew members, in total 239 people on board, who were never found. As per his theory, the plane was deliberately crashed into the depth of 20,000 ft. on Indian Ocean’s Broken Ridge. the scientist said concluding that the pilot of the plane Ahmad Shah deliberately crashed it. 

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370 / MAS370) was an international passenger flight operated by Malaysia Airlines that disappeared from Radar on 8th March 2014. The MH370 was flying from Kaula Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia to its planned destination, Beijing Capital International Airport in China. The cause of its disappearance has not been determined. It remains the single deadliest case of Aircraft in history.

The last transmission from the Malaysian Airlines plane was about 40 minutes after it took off from Kuala Lumpur for Beijing. Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah signed off with "Good night, Malaysian three seven zero", as the plane entered Vietnamese air space. Shortly thereafter, its transponder was turned off, which meant it could not be easily tracked. Military radar showed the plane left its flight path to fly back over northern Malaysia and Penang Island, and then out into the Andaman Sea towards the tip of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It then turned south, and all contact was lost. 

This is not the first time that the theories blamed the pilot. There were claims that the pilot committed murder-suicide due to problems in his personal life. However, the established theory said MH370 was dropped into an uncontrolled high-speed gravitational accelerated dive following fuel starvation. But Australian scientist Vincent Lyne disagreed here, he said it was a premeditated, incredibly perfect disappearance without any fuel starvation.

This work changes the narrative of MH-370's disappearance from one of no-blame fuel starvation at the 7th arc, high-speed dive, to a mastermind pilot executing an incredible perfect disappearance in the Southern Indian Ocean," he wrote.
