In a major development, a social media influencer named Preeti Sidhu Kali aka PreetSidhu has been arrested in a hit-and-run case that took place on New Year's Eve. As per Dainik Bhasker Report, PreetSidhu is accused of hit and run in Panipat, Haryana. The social media influencer allegedly ran away after hitting another Scorpio with her Scorpio on the night of New Year, 31 December.
In the Preeti Sidhu Kali hit-and-run case, a couple and their daughter were injured. Preeti Sidhu Kali got down after the accident but seeing the situation there, she ran away with the car. After this, the victim announced a reward of Rs 51 thousand to the person who gave her name and address by describing her car and appearance. The victim also posted about this on social media after which someone known to Kali told the victim about her.
Who is Preeti Sidhu Kali?
Preeti Sidhu Kali is a social influencer and a resident of Singhpura village of Safidon in Jind. Preeti Sidhu Kali's Instagram account enjoys a whopping 108K followers. Preeti generally shared reels featuring herself on Instagram. Preeti Sidhu Kali's Insta is also filled with videos in which she can be seen driving her car.
Coming back to Preeti Sidhu Kali's arrest, due to bailable sections, the influencer has been released on bail.
Preeti Sidhu Kali Hit and Run December 31
In the complaint given to the City Police Station, Apindrapal Singh said that he is a resident of Ansal City. It was his birthday on 31 December, for which he had gone to a restaurant with his wife Nancy and daughter Sunaya. From there, he was returning home in his black Scorpio at night.
Late at night around 12:30, when he reached in front of the Mini Secretariat, a speeding car hit his car from behind. Both the cars stopped after colliding. The car that hit was also a black Scorpio.
A woman driver got out of it. She saw the situation and pushed the family and fled from the spot with her car. All three were injured in the accident. However, their lives were saved due to the opening of the airbags of the car. The car was also damaged.
After getting treatment late at night, the victim came home. The next morning, along with complaining about the case to the police, the victim posted a post on his social media account. It read, 'Brothers, tonight at 12:37 on GT Road in front of Skylark Khanda Chowk, some mischievous person, who was drunk, hit my car terribly.
Due to this, the car hit the iron grill in front. Our lives were saved but I and my children were injured a lot. They hit and fled from the spot. In a hurry, we could not note down the car number properly, but the car was a black Scorpio. Please help us find those drivers.
The car was being driven by a girl. Everyone should share this post so that the culprits can be punished. The person giving information will be given a secret reward of Rs 51000. Remember, I will not spare the person, because of whom my beautiful daughter got injured. Come forward yourself, it will be good for you."
The social media post reached the acquaintances of the accused while being shared. One of them contacted the victim's family. On January 2, he took a reward of Rs 51 thousand after giving information to the victim's family.
As per reports, Preeti Sidhu Kali had parked the car that caused the accident in an empty plot near her house, but she lives in a different house from there. Number plate and liquor bottles were allegedly found in the car during the police investigation
With full information, the victim reached Safidon along with the police. The police reached the spot and started the search on the basis of the informer's words. During this, the woman was caught from the house. After this, on her information, the black Scorpio that caused the accident was recovered from an empty plot.