Nov 04 , 2023

10 Lung-Cleansing Drinks for Dealing with Air Pollution

By True Scoop

Green Tea: Packed with antioxidants, it helps combat toxins and promote lung health.

Ginger and Honey Tea: Ginger's anti-inflammatory properties can soothe your respiratory system.

Turmeric Milk: The curcumin in turmeric has anti-inflammatory effects that support lung function.

Lemon Water: High in vitamin C, it boosts immunity and aids in detoxifying your body.

Peppermint Tea: Its menthol content can open up your airways and relieve congestion.

Beet Juice: Rich in nitrates, it can improve lung blood flow and overall respiratory health.

Carrot Juice: High in beta-carotene, it benefits lung function and reduces inflammation.

Pineapple Smoothie: Packed with bromelain, it may help reduce mucus and alleviate breathing issues.

Pomegranate Juice: Its antioxidants support lung health and reduce inflammation.

Herbal Tea Blends: Mixtures like licorice, thyme, and eucalyptus teas can have soothing and cleansing effects.

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